Platform and Technology Transformation
Aligning IT with business is an art that calls for a seamless blend of people, processes, and technologies that converges to create a proactive IT roadmap in sync with the business demands.
At Nihilent using our Design Thinking framework, we create a very relevant IT roadmap factoring into multiple customer pain-points and transition their IT organization to the next level of maturity.
What is driving Design Thinking is the organizations’ intent to change and arrive at higher performance and efficiencies. Managing change, hence, is imperative. If you refuse to change and stop innovating to the new normal market dynamics, leaders will soon become laggards.
In sync with the philosophy of enterprise-wide business transformation, in which IT plays an enabling role, Nihilent provides strategic IT leadership to enterprises by leveraging the most appropriate platforms and technologies that bring in a high degree of technology relevance, enabling a greater IT fitment with business. It’s a multi-pronged strategy involving all the key stakeholders in the organization.
At the heart of any business transformation initiative is taking an in-depth view of the enterprises existing IT assets and taking due diligence on the ‘performance downers’ that are creating a lack of IT alignment with the business.
We enable organizations to kick start a progressive IT vision, that not only factors in the current pain points but takes an evolutionary approach that enables organizations to achieve agility and elasticity to adopt best-of-breed technologies as they move forward.
Nihilent’s Platform & Technology Transformation is aimed at creating a pro-active IT backbone for demanding mission-critical applications. We bring in a high degree of sophistication into the enterprise IT organization by developing and leading technology strategies by taking into consideration the impact of a new breed of technologies leading to greater customer centricity and connection.
Our offerings are strategically spread across a spectrum of services ranging from Application Development and Maintenance to Holistic Testing.
Our approach facilitates enterprises to arrive at technology credibility, stay relevant, drive business value, influence, and manage competing priorities, and maximize and optimize IT spending by bringing in higher RoI.
Platform and Technology Transformation Services
Discover the True Power of ServiceNowNihilent offers a unique set of value propositions and expertise…
Highly Scalable DeliveryNihilent has evolved a delivery methodology that promises…
Nihilent’s Microsoft ServicesNihilent has partnered with Microsoft to help drive…
Nihilent’s SAP ServicesS/4HANA by SAP is the ideal digital core for organizations…
Application Development & MaintenanceA hyper-connected digital world…
Application Integration ServicesNihilent’s Enterprise Application…
Product DevelopmentSoftware Product Development is a staged and unique process…
Technology Re-engineeringTechnology Re-engineering is aimed at prolonging the life…