Message from L C Singh, Director and Executive Vice Chairman, Nihilent
Dear Friends,
“Life is, at times, tough. And all we need to do is to prove that we are tougher than it”.
Friends, the Covid 19 is an unprecedented event that has taken the world by storm. We are all impacted in more ways than one. There is so much panic and fear across the world. Let me assure you that we are all in this together.
As we have implemented Work From Home (WFH) from 16th March 2020, it’s been a seamless transition and I wholeheartedly thank each one of you in making this a great success without any disruption of our business by walking the extra mile.
That said, I am all the more concerned about your safety and well-being of you and your families. Social distancing and isolation are the only ways we can arrest the rapid spread of Covid 19. The point I need to stress here is, we are physically disconnected, but always connected in many ways – Phone, Teams, Skype among others. So, do not, even for a minute, think that you are alone in this. We are all just a call away. It’s not just business, any personal crisis or a medical emergency, we are all here to help you out.
As you operate from home, please be advised that Covid 19 is never to be underestimated, heed all the advisories by the Government Authorities, stay safe, do not venture out unnecessarily, maintain a very strict hand hygiene, adopt good sanitation practices, stay at home, do not believe in rumor mongering and above all maintain an overall positive attitude.
At this point, while you take care of yourself, also please ensure that if you have elders in your family, make sure they do not step out of the home. Take utmost care and talk to them and keep them in good humor. Make sure, you are aware of the pre-existing conditions they have and keep stock of regular medicines they take.
Importantly be in touch with your extended relatives and friends circle and update them about the current conditions and share your contact details with neighbors and friends so that in case of an emergency you can reach out to people who can help you.
I do not want to take much of your time, as I said earlier, we are all in this together. It is just a matter of time, and this too shall pass. We are here to help you out, be assured on that.
Have Faith, Stay Healthy, Be Positive!
Best regards
L C Singh