Reimagining Service Delivery

Service Category:
Business Transformation -
Healthcare -
South Africa
This organization recognized an urgent need to re-imagine its existing service delivery capabilities by infusing state-of-art practices and technological innovations.
A non-profit organization that provides an essential national healthcare service, namely the delivery of safe blood to South Africans. Its responsibilities include managing the entire blood transfusion value chain from collections, testing, and processing to distribution to patients. All donated blood is tested for transfusion-transmissible diseases, blood grouping, and patient compatibility using sophisticated processes and equipment to ensure the safety of the blood.
The organization wanted to deliver on its mandate to provide all patients with sufficient safe, quality blood products and medical services sustainably related to blood services and wanted to explore changing demographics, their behaviors, and digital opportunities. There was an urgent need to re-imagine its existing service delivery capabilities by infusing state-of-art and emerging practices, and technological innovations.
Nihilent engaged with the organization and provided the following framework:
- Initiatives were scored based on ‘7 Perspective Framework’ that in its ambit factored parameters such as Strategic Alignment, Payback period, Net Present Value, Inherent Risk, Technical Architecture, Business change, and Supplier credentials.
- Made recommendations based on composite scores for each initiative.
- Conducted due diligence to fairly evaluate the business value of generated by proposed Initiatives.
- Ensured budget provisions based on the average-case condition.
Nihilent applied its 7-Perspectives Ranking Framework to first prioritize the list of 150 candidate ICT projects into the Top 25, and then used its Quick Business Case Framework to undertake a thorough investment appraisal for the projects shortlisted. The business cases documented the background of the candidate project, the scope, the expected business benefits, strategic alignment, the options considered (with reasons for rejecting or carrying forward each option), expected costs of the project, the expected risks, and a recommendation based on a composite score received by each candidate project.